Der Zauber von Erde, Meer und HimmelCover-Zauber
The magic of Earth, Sea and Sky

An illustrated book that combines atmospheric photos with meditative
poems and fairy tales. An impressive experience.
All texts in German and English.

custos verlag, Solingen, 2015
ISBN 978-3-943195-13-2
132 Seiten
19 Euro


Liminal Realms


Saga Grünwald invites you to a lyrical and fairy-tale journey through mysterious Liminal Realms with her illustrated book, in which she combines her meditative poems and fairy tales with her expressive photographs.
The book is illustrated throughout in colour.
All texts in German and English.

custos verlag, Solingen, 2019
ISBN 978-3-943195-26-2
104 Seiten
14,50 Euro

